Automation Solutions for Hematology
Integrate Slide Making and Staining
Flexible, scalable and reliable automation platforms help laboratories of every size work smarter.
The combination of the sophisticated Sysmex® XE-Series hematology analyzers, the advanced Sysmex SP-1000i™ slide maker/stainer and a reliable automation platform allows laboratories to improve productivity while delivering quality clinical data rapidly and consistently.
HST-N: The Sysmex HST-N™ Total Hematology Automation System includes a combination of the XE-Series hematology instruments, SP-1000i slide maker/stainer and a rack-based track system.
XE-AlphaN: The Sysmex XE-AlphaN™ Integrated Hematology System provides an efficient automation solution. The system includes an XE-Series hematology instrument and an SP-1000i slide maker/stainer integrated onto a track-based, compact benchtop automation system.
SP-1000i: The Sysmex SP-1000i is a fully automated, integrated slide preparation and staining unit that provides high quality blood smears with consistency and reliability.